Exploring The Loyalist: The Enneagram Type Six Personality

The Enneagram system explores nine unique personality types, each driven by distinct motivations and fears. Among these types is Type Six, known as "The Loyalist". This type is characterized by an unwavering commitment to security, loyalty, and trust. In this article, we'll dive into the defining characteristics, motivations, strengths, and growth paths of Type Six.

Core Characteristics of Type Six

Type Six is marked by a strong sense of loyalty, a vigilant approach to safety, and an underlying drive for security. Here are some defining traits of The Loyalist:

  1. Security-Seeking and Loyal: Sixes prioritize finding stable and trustworthy support systems, whether in friendships, families, or organizations. Once trust is established, they are incredibly loyal and reliable.

  2. Vigilant and Prepared: They are attuned to potential threats and often plan for worst-case scenarios. This vigilance helps them avoid unexpected challenges.

  3. Dutiful and Responsible: Sixes believe in fulfilling their responsibilities and will go above and beyond to meet expectations. They are steadfast contributors to teams and communities.

  4. Questioning and Skeptical: Although they seek security, Sixes often doubt their ability to find it and can oscillate between trust and skepticism.

  5. Anxious and Fearful: Their need for certainty can lead to anxiety, especially in ambiguous situations. They seek guidance from trusted sources to gain reassurance.

Motivations and Fears of Type Six

Each Enneagram type is driven by fundamental fears and desires that shape their perspectives and behaviors. For Type Six:

  • Basic Fear: Sixes fear being abandoned or left without support or guidance. They dread not being able to handle life's challenges alone.

  • Basic Desire: Their deepest desire is to find security and support. They strive to feel safe and certain in their environment and relationships.

These motivations and fears drive Sixes to search for trustworthy allies, routines, and frameworks that offer stability and predictability.

How Type Six Interacts with Others

Sixes are deeply loyal friends, partners, and colleagues. They provide steady support and will defend those they trust, often forming strong, long-term bonds. In relationships, they are vigilant about their partners' well-being and will go out of their way to protect them.

However, their quest for certainty can sometimes cause them to second-guess their decisions or over-rely on reassurance from others. They may test relationships to ensure their loyalty is reciprocated and tend to seek validation from trusted figures before taking action.

When healthy, Sixes offer loyalty, responsibility, and dedication that build trust and create a sense of security within their circles.

Growth Paths for Type Six

Personal growth for Sixes involves managing their anxieties and finding inner confidence. Here are some growth paths for Type Six:

  1. Self-Trust: Building self-confidence and trusting their instincts can reduce dependence on external validation and create a stronger internal compass.

  2. Recognize Strengths: Acknowledging their capabilities and resilience can help Sixes overcome self-doubt and foster a more positive self-image.

  3. Embrace Uncertainty: Learning to accept uncertainty and ambiguity can help Sixes avoid excessive worry and allow them to respond calmly to challenges.

  4. Cultivate Inner Security: Practices like mindfulness or meditation can help Sixes develop inner calm and resilience, reducing the need for external reassurance.

  5. Seek Positive Support: Developing relationships with optimistic and supportive individuals can help balance their natural vigilance and promote growth.


The Loyalist, or Type Six, is characterized by a deep commitment to loyalty, safety, and responsibility. Their vigilant approach to life helps them remain prepared for challenges while building supportive networks. However, their path to growth involves cultivating inner confidence, embracing uncertainty, and reducing dependency on external reassurance. By recognizing their innate strengths and developing inner security, Sixes can find the stability they seek while offering unwavering loyalty and support to those around them.

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